Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Do u like Caterpillers? I do just not on your lip...

More pics for Corks!

Sunday, September 28, 2008
We got eight Kids!!!
Ok so we are watching corks and Jareds kids while they are off having fun in sunny Florida. I told Corks that I would post some pics of the kids.
We went to church today and it was pretty good. We only had one hand get stepped on, crayons stolen, crackers smushed overall not to bad.
We got lots of comments and looks.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto
Ok so there are those that have seen this and those who havnt. She entertains us all with her "Robot Dance". Enjoy
Sorry there is no music. I dont know if my camera does sound?
More edible art projects from Liz
Ok so she is just loving this class.. And why not look at the yummy stuff they get to make!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Napoleons got nothing on Annika!!!!
So on Sunday Annika decided to draw a couple of self portraits of me and Jason. I thought they were to cute, so of course I had to share. She said she is going to do one of everyone in our family and so when she gets to it I will share those. She told me that she is really busy with "stuff" and that she will try and draw them this week...oh and she is only 9.
I Just love the shading on my upper lip, it probably took her hours to do that.
I saw her start Jasons portrait and it looked just like and alien head outline, it was really funny.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Remember Spirit week when you were in school?
Ok so today was decade day and they told the kids to pick a decade to represent. Any guesses as to what decade Liz is showcasing?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
They say its your birthday...
For those who read my blog, will u please tell me about the first time u met Jason or a funny memory that u have if him.
He is 36 today....
This picture above reminds me of when we were dating and he would come over to the house to hang out. He would always fall asleep somewhere. I acctually have a picture of Jason asleep on the chair and corks had fell asleep in his lap.
He is 36 today....
This picture above reminds me of when we were dating and he would come over to the house to hang out. He would always fall asleep somewhere. I acctually have a picture of Jason asleep on the chair and corks had fell asleep in his lap.

Monday, September 15, 2008
Movie Quote Monday!!!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Edible art...Yum!

I wondered what they would be making for this class and behold the pictures of her "art" project. It didnt last very long after it got home, well long enough for me to get a picture of it.
I remember when my brother Warren brought home a "horn of plenty" made of marzapan or something. It had all the fruits and veggies flowing out of it. It was very pretty and tasted great. I think me and James ate it or something all I know is that Warren was really mad.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I take it to get the safety and emissions tests done and it fails the safety because the tie rods on the van are about gone. This will cost $200. I say thanks and go home (driving illegally by the way). I wanted to get a second quote on the price to fix these. It ends up that the price quoted was a good deal. This all took place on Thursday morning. I call back the mechanic to set up a time on Friday to get these done. "He will be out of town till Monday, Can u come then?" Of course because if I had anyone else fix It I would still have to go to him to pass the safety. So early Monday we drop off the van, (when they said to) and no one was at the mechanics. I left it because I needed to take Jason to work so that I could use the car to take Addi to the Dr's office and pick up the girls from school and not be driving illegally. Then go pick Jason back up from work and go pick up the van when it was done. Phewwwww!!!
On Tuesday morning I gathered everything that I would need to register the van (minus the Az title; couldn't find it. I am usually really good about paperwork but for some reason its GONE).
We get to the office to find a sour looking women behind the desk. She asks me "Register or buy?"
I look at her and stutter um Register? She hands me a number. I assume that I will wait till my number is called since no further instructions were given . I brought a bag of stuff for Addi to do in anticipation of having to wait. So we colored and listened to the music.
About 20 min later my number is called and we go to the counter. I tell myself that if I am happy and cheer full then whoever helps me will feel my cheer fullness and will be happy to.. Yea right.
"Good morning" I say.
I get a nod and she sticks out her hand for my paper work. "What do u need?"
"I need to register my car" (Still cheer full; because I have hope)
She looks through my paper work and asks me where the title is and I tell her that I don't have one from Az and need a temporary registration till it comes in the mail, but that I have my old title if that helps.
At this she snaps her head up and looks at me and says...'They didn't take that from u when u registered in Az?".
"NO" I said.
Now she is all business because we might just have a criminal on our hands. I imagined metal bars blocking all exits and handcuffs coming my way. She informed me that it should have been taken when I registered in Az.
It turns out that I never got a AZ title because my van was still owed by the bank when we went to register it and so they wouldn't issue a new one until it was bought in full. But now because we moved and didn't inform the DMV that we moved????? my old registration was revoked and I had to apply for a reinstatement of my UT registration (wasn't that why I was there?). This is a completely different process that requires more paperwork and proof of insurance. (which I left in the van, but not on purpose. I thought I left it at home). She said to leave and call my insurance and have them fax a copy of "proof of insurance" then come back in and take a new number from "sour faced women" and wait. I did all of this. I get called back to the counter ahead of everyone else. She was holding my fax in her hands.
To my utter surprise she was soooooooooooooo nice this time and apologetic because what she asked me to get from my insurance company and what I needed to get were 2 different things. It was gonna take another hour to get what I needed to finish the registration. I was not happy but I told myself to remember that cheer fullness really does rub off...... After half an hour went by she finally told me that she would take care of the mess and that I could go legally with my new set of plates and Utah registration.
I told her thanks for the help and she told me that most people would have gotten mad and frustrated and that it was a pleasure dealing with me. I was glad that after 2 hours at the dmv I didnt loose my temper.
If u made it this far thanks for listening to my rambling. I am happy that next year I can do all of this by mail!!!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Some things I thought were weird and cool......
Ok so I am not sure if all of u have heard of SkyMall magazine? They have some random things in it. I think that people that invented something try and get it into this magazine. Some of it made me laugh so much that I just had to share what I first thought when I saw it. There are some pretty cool things in the magazine as well and so I kept a copy of it. MayBe I will order something from it???
Who hasnt wanted a spatuala and sissors combo? This would totally save some time right? It just looks really weird.

" Oh dont mind me I am just taking a small rest"
This u have to blow up like a toy. It is huge and really bulky. I would be embarassed to use it.
What was your cat just doing? U guessed it. Its a litter box that u can hide in your planter. Why do u want your living room to smell like kitty litter? U just turn the opening to the wall when your cat is done. Your guests will never know, right?
Dont pay a costly service to errate your lawn, I thought to myself "I have 5 kids that could do the job". Strap these babies on them and tell them to go walk around the yard for an hour or so.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Mom I Paint....

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Back from Seattle!!!
Ok here are some pictures that we took and I will come back and post what they are about in a while. Gotta to take care of some house stuff...more to come later...
Ok Corks did a fantastic job while I was away . The house was neat and orderly when I came home. Addi came out with some bumps and bruises. They was he is I am surprised that is all that happened. By house stuff I mean that I needed to unpack and entertain the kiddos. So I added descriptions to the pictures feel free to read what they are all about...

This I thouht was a cool view from the top of the space needle of downtown Seattle..

We were walking to go inside and I got this shot from the ground looking up.

Ok so for part of our "go Seattle" cards that we bought a tour of the "Museum of Mystries" ooohhh scary was included. I was really excited to see this one. Apparently someone in WA took a picture of the famous Sasquatch and its documented in this museum. I say museum but really it was a small room that had a couch in it a binder with some "spooky" stories and some pics on the walls of big foot and alien siteings. It was really sad. The best part was this Big foot in front.

SHAvs I took this pic mostly for u cause it made me think of u!!!

Ok so we just got done doing the Deception pass boat ride (for those who went on the advanced Bio trip with DR. Wendle, u should know where this is) and went to find the gift shop and this was just sitting in a random place. It doenst belong but it was the funniest thing, so I had to get a picture with it.
He is about the size of a small dog. It was really funny.
This is a picture of the deception pass bridge from our boat tour.
This is a picture from the top of the deception pass bridge.
A neat shot of the clouds and water from the ferry ride..

We were on the ferry and got a pic of us leaving the shore. I loved the ferry rides. It was pricey to ride them and so we only did it twice.

Ok so we just got done doing the Deception pass boat ride (for those who went on the advanced Bio trip with DR. Wendle, u should know where this is) and went to find the gift shop and this was just sitting in a random place. It doenst belong but it was the funniest thing, so I had to get a picture with it.

We were on the ferry and got a pic of us leaving the shore. I loved the ferry rides. It was pricey to ride them and so we only did it twice.
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