I wondered what they would be making for this class and behold the pictures of her "art" project. It didnt last very long after it got home, well long enough for me to get a picture of it.
I remember when my brother Warren brought home a "horn of plenty" made of marzapan or something. It had all the fruits and veggies flowing out of it. It was very pretty and tasted great. I think me and James ate it or something all I know is that Warren was really mad.
That sounds great, and what a good deal. five bucks. Cool.
Did she ever give you your change back. Kim was gone when Liz need to pay for her classes and I only had a twenty in my wallet. Kim should have gotten ten dollars back from Liz. :)
I would love to take a computer art class. I think it can be so helpful in making your pictures look nicer and brighter.
As soon as she walked in she looked for u Corks.
That sounds so cool and who can beat $5!
How cool and fun! Now I wanna make some edible art. :) My kids would love this.
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