So here is the scoop. Many already heard it, but for those who haven't, here's how it happened.
Friday Anni complained that her tummy hurt and she didn't feel good. Oddly enough so did Aleah. Because they both felt bad we thought, well you must be getting the flu. The kids didn't have school on Friday and so were able to have a 3 day weekend. Well they laid around in the spare room and watched movies. They both ate food and never threw up. Anni started to run a low grade fever by Saturday night. By Sunday they were still hurting and stayed home from church. During this time Aleah was acting better, she wanted to go play and then would complain that her tummy hurt. I was like "if your sick you cant play outside and if you are better you can". She decided that she was sick. Sunday night Anni felt worse and her fever had gone up. We decided that Monday I would take her to the Dr.
The next morning the earliest that they could get us in was 9:40. Well that was just to late and so I decided to take her to the Instacare which takes patients as early as 8am.
After he examined her he thought she might have appendicitis and sent us for an ultra sound. As we were walking out the office to get the ultra sound they called and said it was rescheduled for 2pm. That was about 7 hrs later. We went to that and they did the scan, at first they didn't see anything but stool and were gonna send us home with the instructions of "moving her Bowell's". After we started to get ready to leave the Dr came back in and said; well the orders told us they wanted us to look specifically at your appendix and so why don't you try going to the bathroom here and we will try again. She was able to go and push it all out (she said she was holding it in because it hurt to bad to push). He scanned her again looking only for the appendix saw that it looked a little large and called for a 2nd opinion. The 2nd opinion really new his stuff, because he took one look and said "whoa! We got a hot one here!"
We were then told to go straight to the emergency room. From the time we got the ultra sound till when they took out her appendix was about 4 hrs.
It had ruptured and required a little more attention to get all the infection contained and cleaned out. We are now on our 3rd day in the hospital and will more than likely be here another 2 days. I am hoping by Friday we can go home. We will see. She is doing well and is currently playing supermario brothers. With the movies, Nintendo and all the food she wants; she may not want to leave!
Thanks for all the prayers and good thoughts.. We love you all!
whoa! that's quite the scare! i'm glad she's doing better
WOW good thing they decided to be a little more thorough. I hope she feels better!
I'm glad they found it when they did. Sounds like it was already late enough. Hope you have a good book to read or something!
So glad that she is doing better. Thank goodness that they made her go to the bathroom, poor thing. Hope you guys get to go home from the hospital soon. Love you.
Ya, laying in a hospital bed for days on end really really sucks! I'm glad that annie is doing better and that they found the problem.
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