Addi has decided that Aleahs clothes are more comfortable than his own. I keep finding him in them throughout the day that I decided to take a picture everytime he did it. These are over the course of 2 days.

He wanted to go to school and so he put on an outfit that he saw Aleah wear to school. He came to me and said "Mom I go to School now!"

Not really sure what this is? He just liked wearing the skirt that day. Well the Scottish did is so what they hey, why not? We will just call this a kilt, he is part Scottish after all.

These were his pajamas that night...???

My friend Jo has made all the girls skirts and Addi has worn all of them at one time or another. He just liked this one cause of the stars.

Finally something "normal". He found this scarf and turned it into his "supermap" cape.

He was spiderman for down town trick or treat. I just thought this was a cute picture of him in another cape.
He likes dresses. You should give him lots of boy dressup clothes for christmas. I think he just likes dressing up.
i think he likes to dress up too, you should get some super hero clothes... he's getting so big
I think we should all remember, that Ian got dressed up a lot and he still turned out very much a boy! With four older sisters, if you can't beat em, join em!
I think Ian dressed up because we made him!
I love Addi's outfits, they made me laugh so hard! In one of the pictures he actually looks alot like Leah! I also really like the last picture of him in his cape.
Hey, I was wondering if you could send me a copy of dad's cat "statement"? I was trying to tell Derek about it.
He looks like he fits right in with your girls that's for sure.
The cape pictures is the cutest. :) He looks like an all American boy there.
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