The schools here have a track meet every year. Its called the Hershey's track meet. Its a big deal. The kids all compete against other schools in the district and then if they do well they get to go to state. So for the next three weeks I get to go to these on Tuesdays. Its an all day thing and very hot outside and so it is draining. Today was Annika's.

This is Anni waiting with the other all the other kids to run the 400 (thats one lap around).

This is her coming to the finish line. She got fourth in her heat.

This was the wait for the 50 yard dash. Lots of kids. Anni was in heat #28. She got third in her heat.

Can u find her? I didnt get pix of her running cause I was doing taping it at the same time. Anni did well, she didnt qualify to go to state but she did really well. Her teacher told her that she has Wheels for feet. She thought that was neat. I can see alot of running in her future, because she liked it so much.
That is cool that the kids get to have that kind of opportunity!
If she is as good as you when you were in High School, she'll do really well in track.
Do the other girls have track meets coming up?
Neat pics! I love being able to see a closer look into all of your lives! Way to go Anni! I remember when she would start to get the chin quiver when you said her name a bit stern, back in Cheney, remember that Kim?
Oh yes do I remeber that. She still does it. I said to her yesterday that she had a hole in her shirt and didnt she notice before she went to school? She tried really hard not to cry. If her teacher pulls her name stick from the jar to awnser a question in class, she blinks really fast and tries to keep herself from crying but her teacher tells me that her eyes really water.
Lexi has a meet next tues and liz is the tues after that.
oh i always liked these track mets even though i hated running, i liked the high jump. annie's so sensative, she reminds me of nan.
ps- leah is so funny that duck thing had me LAUGHING!!!
good for your girls! Nice of you to show your support, too.
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