So Beks asked me to update my blog.. Here goes. These are a few pics from this summer. Here is the kids on their first day of school. Fingers equal the grade they are in this year.

Picture of Liz her first day of eigth grade. Right now she has a 4.0 and says that she will try and keep it all year. (getting money from mom and dad for every A helps!)

We went for a hike up Provo canyon it was a nice view!

Participated in the Parade this year for church; theme was familes together and we had a big temple on our float and everyone whore white, it was great.

more parade pics

Ellicos came to visit and we went bowling again!

We took this same pic the last time they came and decided to do one each year they come to see the kids grow!

Another pic of the kids~
Yay!!! I was looking forward to the pictures of the girls holding up their fingers to show what grade they were in. Your family and the Ellicos together have a lot of kids. I remember them from AZ when I came to help when Annika was born. Thanks for the posting it really does make me happy. :)
i thouht about not leaving a comment, since i don't read your blog.. but the kids look super cute, and i had to say it
Rebekah is not the only one that reads it! Glad you didn't totally become extinct in the blogging world, it really is nice to hear what you've been up to and see pics of the kids!
Should I feel offended?
Kim, I think you have been shown that more than one person looks at your blog to see if you gave updated it too! I think Rebekah is the blogging police because she got after me for not putting something new up in a long time too!
Keep up the new stuff!
Wow the girls are growing so fast!
Congrats Lizzie on the sraight A's!
We want to see the photos of the newly purple & yellow bedroom colors!
Love Gramma Cricket!
Kim is typing for me, so she sends hugs and kisses too!
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