So a few months ago we went to an event that the Spanish Forks Rotary club does each year around Thanksgiving called "Feast or Famine". We wanted to take the girls so that they could see and learn that not everyone is as fortunate as they are. Not everyone has food and clothes and the things that they need. Part of this is to go and eat what people would consider a feast. You can also make a donation to help feed the poor. It was a good learning experience for us however some of my kids were not to happy. (Who am I kidding only one of my kids was happy)

They have a caterer come in and make a FEAST. I mean the food is
sooooooo good and this year I think they had 15 seats at the feast table. When we came into the gym, you wrote your name on a ticket and they put these in the bowl. IF you are one of the
fortunate and your name gets drawn you get to eat the catered meal. Now remember there are only 15 seats and at least 300 people. Different wards brought their youth groups and lots of other people from the community came. Pictured above is part of the catered menu. Out of the 15 meals that were chosen at random I would say that 14 of them were kids that got the meal.

My Alexia was one of them. She was
sooo happy and she said that the food was super yummy.

The famine food was something like a soup. After the
Fields get harvested a company comes in and does something called Gleaning. They glean what is left in the
Field, husks, seeds, basically its like getting the scraps or leftovers. This soup was so bland and tasteless. It was really hard to eat and from what I understand it was better than last years soup. It totally needed salt and pepper. It is hard to imagine that some people would consider this a feast, but its very true. I had some kids that were very unhappy at having to eat something so "
Biscusting" as
Aleah called it. She said that she wanted to go home and eat our food not someone
Else's food.

My happy children. I really hope that they learned something from this. I know I did.
I'm glad you showed a picture of how unhappy Leah was. Wasn't she the one that threw the awful fit afterward?
That evening sounds like a great experience to take kids to.
Leah threw the biggest fit.
I am glad that Lex got the feast, she really is such a good girl!
That is a great learning experience!
That sounds like a cool activity! And Yay for Lexi to win it. Leah's face is sooo funny. BTW, I think your new leather furniture looks so comfy, and it really makes me want to get new furniture. I'm tired of our mauve couch!
that sounds like a neat activity 'Biscusting' is my new favorite word!
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