Ok so here is something silly about me that many of you don't know. Actually the only person that knows is Corks cause she saw me doing this first hand. When I am making dinner I like to pretend that I am on a cooking show and that I have to show the viewers how to make the dish. It totally makes the time go by faster. These are some of the shows that I watch and a few words that I hear them saying all the time.
Yum! All it needs now is some EVOO!!!!

On a side note we were making pineapple chicken the other day and Corks was helping. I was of course pretending to be on a cooking show and when she would ask me something I would look straight ahead and tell the "audience" what I was doing and why. Corks kept looking at me with this weird look and she said "Kim I am over here, why do u keep looking ahead?" So I told her what I do and she laughed. Later we went to the grocery store and was checking out I had gone to an aisle to get something and I see Corks come out of the lane and yell "Paper or Plastic?" with her hands in the air. The bagger looked at her and said who are u talking to? Of course she was asking me what I wanted and the bagger couldnt see me and so she thought Corks had gone in to the aisle and just yelled to anyone that would listen. We were laughing so hard. She thought Corks was crazy. So Corks said u think that is funny guess what my sister does when she is cooking.... Well needlesstosay when we left the store I am sure the checker and the bagger thought we were both a litte nutty!
Well, since you don't have an "assistant" to help you in the kitchen, you have gone a little nuts!
so funny, i think about stuff like that, but i don't normally say it outloud. i was a chefs assistant, and they are a little nutty, so you're on your way!
Kim, that's really funny. I love your little quirkies- like how you would sometimes make up stories about people in cars as you were on your way to working at the mill. One time you imagined a guy was kidnapping the passenger! So funny!
It is even more funny because it sounds like something that you would do! haha I miss all of you guys!
that is so funny, it reminds me of the time courtney stood up and said I am not retarded! and the she started junping with a lunge forward like a kangeroo, almost instantly she stopped and then fell to the floor laughing because it was then she realized she is a little crazy. LOL
That is a great thing to know about you, I can't stop smiling right now trying to imagine you doing it. so funny.
I'm a just a "f" of Shaina's as opposed to a "bff", but I understand the sister thing... Anyway, I like your blog and will add it to my daily reads if that's okay. :) I totally love that you do a cooking show when you cook. I will have to start doing that when I get back into my own kitchen. My kids will love it and it will make my husband crazy! :)
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