I have this theory about my daughter Aleah. I have been thinking of this a long time. To describe her she is a little spacey. She walks around with her head in the clouds. She talks to herself all the time. She plays with imaginary friends. I think that whenever I ask her to do something a little butterfly named "rainbow" tells her that she wants to dance instead. Sometimes its tells her to play with a toy she finds on her way of getting her coat and backpack for school. She sees stars and rainbows where ever she goes. I am pretty sure that she can hear music in her head that she writes herself. When she gets out of the van to go to school she always tells me that she "loves me to the moon, to the stars, to the rainbow, to her heart" and blows me a kiss to put on my heart. She then walks to the school in her own little world. I hope that the butterfly starts telling her to do what her mom says. Well maybe someday? Sigh........
Funny, funny, funny girl! I have seen her on her way to do something, and get distracted not two steps on her way by a toy, etc. Kim, you should post a video of her doing the robot!
so funny.
That's pretty funny!
She's a unique gal who will maybe a writer someday....
don't we all have a little butterfly telling us what to do? i thought that was normal:)
I think it is so sweet. Sure it is irritating when they don't do what you say but it sounds like she has a great imagination and a heart full of love.
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