Maybe just a little closer to be safe, if I am to far away something might happen before I can get there. Safety first right?

I better check to make sure this water is not to hot, honestly that is all I am doing. I don't hear a siren song in my head whenever I hear the water running in the tub, honest I don't.

"Please oh Please tell no one that you saw me do this, I kinda slipped. Really I did, because I am a cat and cats dont like water right?
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------On a side note, we found this cat in a dumpster with 2 other cuties. I called Jason and asked him what I should do. Believe it or not he said I could keep 2 of them (Jason hates cats ALOT) so I was surprised he said 2. I ended up keeping just one, she was the calmest of the three. Just sitting in the box thinking "If I am patient she will pick me". Sure enough because she was the calmest I chose her and had to take the others to the shelter. These cats were only about 6 weeks old. So the girls got one of their Christmas presents early. I was trying to find a Siamese cat for them. We names her Licorice and she became a big hit.... I have never met a cat that is as great as this one. She lets Addi pick her up and haul her around and has NEVER scratched him (she plays possum when he picks her up). She snuggles right with you and loves to be petted. Recently she has discovered a love of water. When I am in the shower if I don't leave the door open for her she will meow outside the door. She likes to sit in the bottom of the tub just out of reach of the water but close enough that its wierd for a cat and let the water hit her. After you are done she will play on the bottom of the tub. What an awesome animal, we love her so much!
That's a sweet cat you got there! A nice sweet jetted tub too!
you should do a post on your giant vanity- i love kittys i wish i wasn't allergic
That's funny that Licorice likes the water- :) Well--- until you try and bathe her one day when she's filthy...then she'll really understand what water is all about!
Oh- we had a Black Lab named Licorice, when I was a teen. She was a great dog. My little sisters loved her.
hey kim- will you email me your address to bethanyand4@yahoo.com
Cute kitty, I don't think I've ever seen a real black cat before they always have white.
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