Friday, January 4, 2008

The Story of my Life

Here's a 2 minute update on my life.

I was born.

It was a wonderful time as you can see.

My mom made the curtains that hung behind me.

My two older brothers and me.

(I'm so much cuter, don't you agree?)

The photographer had a beard.

For me, that was wierd.

I cried and I cried...

But it was him that I feared.

But I got over it, and soon became a free-lovin' girl.

I would jump off the truck and twirl twirl twirl!

Soon, everyone in my family was asking my advice
"How do you do your hair?" they would ask me twice.

I learned how to soften my hair
I knew for sure.

I was hot...
Too hot... for my Senior Picture.

I married my High School Sweetheart.
We will always be together. We will never part.

So here we are, taken this last year

There are five kids
Two parents

And lots of laughter to hear.

But of course, I can't forget, my very best friend
A better friendship, I couldn't comprehend.


Shaina said...

What a great update. I can never learn too much about you.
Now you need to post about your New Years Eve party. Were the questions fun??

Sharon said...

So cute kimmie! It made me smile