There are dog lovers and then there is me. I LOVE cats, I would have a ton of them if the husband wasn't so intolerant of them (however he let Rascal sit on his leg for like 3!). What could be better than the Purr of a kitty? Since we have gotten the kitties we have had so much fun with them. They are loving and like to play. They sleep with the girls, cuddle with Addi, torment Licorice and generally act like kittens. Here are some highlights of life at our house with them so far.

Pearl sleeps with her tongue out pretty much all the time. As a matter of fact, her tongue is always hanging out of her mouth and with her being cross-eyed...well you get the picture.

Since they are sisters they like to sleep together. Today they just happened to pick me to sleep on.
so cute! I love that addi was reading to them. He "loves them" Pearl is so cute and I love that her toungue is always hanging out. she is hem.
Love the pictures. They sure like to sleep a lot!! The little tongue hanging out is so cute.
The kitty with her tongue hanging out is funny and cute.
Our kitty, Tux, is now an adult and is rather stupid. But, he is very cuddly and that's good for the kids.
I love it, everything you say is so true about Cats. They is nothing like having a kitty around, and falling asleep on you!
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