Had some random pictures on the camera, thought I would share them with you.
Marsh mellow cat was asleep on our floor, he is not aloud to sleep in our room and so Jason took him to sleep with Addi. He was so sound asleep that he
didn't wake up when J moved him.

Addi calls these action figures his "dudes". I Keep finding them around the house, this one was just funny so I had to get a picture.

If u
haven't slept with your play dough, well u are missing out.

Taking some
Christmas shots and this one was the "silly picture"

Liz cleaned
Addasons room and put his Woody doll on the window sill. It was funny to walk in and see him just sitting there chilling out. (I also noticed that the window is filthy and the blinds are broken....sorry)

The guys at the
Dodgeball tournament. They lost
I love the strategically placed toys. my kids do that too. Always makes me think of toystory.
what's a post without a "sleeping Addi" picture?
funny! my fave is the "dudes" and i can just imagine addie saying it to- chyeah
I love the toys, Kyle and I had a good laugh! I hope you dont mind I have to put the addi's dudes on my blog, too funny.
I love the toys, Kyle and I had a good laugh. I hope you dont mind I have to put addi's dudes on my blog, I love it!
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