We have an owl in our tree. Its a barn owl, but just a baby. The kids go out everyday to say hi and see if he is still there. He leaves some nice big presents for us on the sidewalk. We have to be careful when we walk under the tree that we dont get hit with one of these presents. I took some pics to share. Enjoy!!

Whooo Whoooo.. Whaaat is his name? That's cool that you have your own pet owl.
wow!! this is awesome, it's like living in harry potter. i remember in 5th grade we disected owl poo, they eat like a rat hole, and then poop out the bones, so sinteresting
Not something you see everyday! Very cool friend to have. :)
I saw the interview! Cool! I like the Johnny Rockets painting, that is where Chad and Dez got engaged in San Diego, it is Dez's favorite restuarant.
I think Jason's relects, statue things are really cool. Some day, it would be cool to have one of my family with some of our personal items put inside of them. I'll start saving up to buy one. :)
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