We really enjoy gardening and yard work. I really dont have a green thumb and alot of times my plants die; however Jason is pretty good at gardening and so I am getting better. We wanted to plant a few things this year to see how they do. I know that tomatoes do well and so above u can see our tomatoe cages. Above them are
red and
green bell peppers.

I really wanted to plant Blackberries but couldnt find any starters. So we did rasberries instead. I hope these take off because we love to make jam. i could go and get some starters for blackberries down by the river but I want to see how these do. They need lots of water to flourish.

Addason had so much fun helping us plant. He got more dirt on him than the plants. Love his little smile.
We also planted some strawberries, zuccini, squash and sugar snap peas. Oh and an herb garden but I didnt get any pics.
Yay! Grow little garden!
that is a super cute pic of you and Addason. Love it!
Awesome times! Hope you saw the blog page of Gramma Cricket thanking you guys for the great gifts!!! She misses you all so much and can't wait to see you. I am glad I get to see Addi this way! HE is such a cutey, they all are so precious. -Auntie Kim
sweet, i'm gonna plant mine as soon as it warms up a little, it's been raining for a couple of days
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