Does somebody need a hug????

Can anyone possible find Josie Grossie in this picture? I think we all have one of those, some of us more than others.

I absolutly love this picture of Me, Warren and James. The colors in our shirts and of course my expression is great.

I was looking at pictures and saw this one, I didnt realize that lexi was looking over my shoulder and she said "Mom is that you?" I said yup thats me. As she is walking out of the room she says "WOW" (I dont think it was a compliment either)

Good morning angels...Good morning Charlie....
oh, that is a blast from the past. Thanks for the lovely picture update of us girls! I'm afraid we can never live down our own pictures!
that picture of all girls is funny to see the clothes we are wearing-nice blue suit Kim! Of course I've got on some two peice tye-dyed number on. Funny stuff.
i love looking at our old pictures! i'm still going through my josie grossy phase....
Cool pictures, Kim! Thanks for sharing them- it's so funny to you all from so long ago. And, of course, I'm excited to see a picture of Warren. I've only seen like 3 and I'm his wife!
When Shaina made that family slide show, Jared said, wow, all your sisters went through a rough stage but you didn't. OH, he is definitely bias.
I know Shaina is your bff, but you could put some pictures of all your other second bff sisters in as well. :)
oh wait, I could put them on mine. :)
hahha, corks.
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